Potential Public Safety Power Shutoffs Impact on 6/29/20 Special Board Meeting
As many of you may be aware, Southern California Edison (SCE) has issued a notice for a potential Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) for Sunday afternoon, June 28. If power goes off, the County realizes the public may not be able to submit comments by the deadline of June 29 at 9 AM for consideration by the Board of Supervisors at the public hearing on the Tioga Inn Specific Plan Amendment project and, depending on when power is restored, may not be able to access the remote meeting.
In order to maintain a fair and equitable process and public hearing, Monday’s meeting will be adjourned to Tuesday morning, June 30, at 9:00 am if the power goes off this (Sunday) afternoon. If power is not restored countywide by Monday at 2 pm, then Tuesday’s hearing will be adjourned to a future date and time certain. In either case, written comments may be submitted up to the start time of the adjourned Board meeting. After the meeting starts, the public may provide comment via the remote meeting webinar.
If power does not go off this (Sunday) afternoon, the meeting will proceed as planned on Monday, June 29, at 9 am.