County Facilities and Community Services Infrastructure

Goal 4. Develop and maintain County facilities and infrastructure meeting the needs of employees, communities, and the public.

Objective 4.A. Develop a system to inventory potential County facilities projects and select projects for implementation.

Policy 4.A.1. A county Comprehensive Facilities Plan (CCFP) shall be developed to inventory potential projects.

Action 4.A.1.a. The CCFP shall contain capital improvement and maintenance projects, with provisions for addressing emergency projects.

Action 4.A.1.b. Transportation projects identified by the Local Transportation Commission and in the Regional Transportation Plan shall be included in the CCFP.

Action 4.A.1.c. All proposed projects with sufficient information shall be added to the CCFP for future implementation consideration (see the “Public Works Project Approval Policy”).

Policy 4.A.2. The “Public Works Project Approval Policy” shall be applied to select CCFP projects for implementation using approved criteria to ensure limited resources are utilized for the highest-priority projects.

Action 4.A.2.a. Projects not selected shall remain in the CCFP for future consideration.

Action 4.A.2.b. The highest-priority capital facilities projects, including transportation projects, should be incorporated into a multi-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that includes funding allocations to respond to long-range infrastructure needs.

Policy 4.A.3. Address the need for accessibility compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) through the County’s multi-departmental ADA Task Force.

Action 4.A.3.a. Participate in ADA Task Force meetings and the development of projects.

Action 4.A.3.b. ADA projects shall be added to the CCFP and subject to the selection process.

Policy 4.A.3. Seek funding sources such as grants, public-private partnerships, cooperative agreements, etc. to implement projects in the CCFP.

Policy 4.A.4. Reduce energy use in existing and new County facilities pursuant to policies in the Conservation/Open Space Element.

Objective 4.B. Ensure the provision of adequate and convenient public services by the County and local community providers such as special districts.

Policy 4.B.1. Provide geographically convenient County service centers in Bridgeport and Mammoth Lakes.

Policy 4.B.2. Collaborate with special districts and other entities to provide efficient joint use of public facilities.

Policy 4.B.3. Pursue joint projects with agencies to leverage funding opportunities, such as forest highway upgrades.

Policy 4.B.4. Pursue extension of communication infrastructure to unserved communities consistent with the Communication policies in this General Plan element.

Policy 4.B.5. Work with special districts and other appropriate entities to meet community infrastructure needs such as water, sewer, fire protection, etc.

Action 4.B.5.a. Focus community services infrastructure in existing communities consistent with countywide policies in the Land Use Element (citations – Objective A and added Objective relating the GHG reduction).

Action 5.B.4.b. Review community area policies, the Conservation/Open Space policies, and Safety Element policies for specific needs by community or service.

Policy 4.B.6. As needed, review and ensure consistency with the LAFCO sphere of influence recommendations and municipal service reviews (MSRs) to pursue efficient delivery of services.