Eastern Sierra Substance Use Project

Hello everyone,

We will be having another Eastern Sierra Substance Use Project (ESSUP) meeting on November 4, 2020 10-11:30am. We will be discussing updates and next steps with the Narcan/Naloxone distribution events and the virtual conference on December 2, 2020. If you have any items you would like to discuss, please let me know so I can add it to the agenda.

I have finally been able to update the website and the recording of the last meeting is now available, in addition to meeting notes for your review. 

Please invite anyone that I have not included on this invite. Last time, we discussed having more Toiyabe representation, please forward this invite to anyone you know from Toiyabe that would like to attend.

There was also a desire from the group to hear updates on the syringe exchange program, anyone from Behavioral health able to provide an update in this meeting?

Hope you all can attend, if not, I will try to record. I will be emailing the agenda out to everyone a few days before our meeting, please let me know if you have anything you would like to add.  See you all on November 4th!

Jacinda Croissant

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